Friday, April 2, 2010

Holy Week

For people who believe in the Resurrection, this week is special. Growing up Catholic, this week entailed a LOT of ritual. Too much? I dunno. I think in some respects, the Catholics got it right about Holy Week. I mean, Christ's death and resurrection is THE REASON we claim to be Christians. And how can you celebrate His resurrection without pondering His death and suffering? And so, Catholics spend a lot of time "pondering",,,and playing out the events Jesus lived thru the days before His death. I remember Holy Thursday, and the washing of feet. (altar boys, back when I was a tyke). Good Friday in our house was a solemn day, at least until after 3pm,,the time when Jesus died. No tv, music, etc. It was a subtle reminder to me that Jesus gave His life for me, so maybe I could sacrifice a couple of worldly things on that day. Saturday...I dreaded saturday service. I guess it was a 'watch' type service. But as a little girl, it was just long! Lots of prayers I don't remember, and lots of incense swung around in those mysterious brass containers. They filled the church with exotic smells and aromas, which made the service very otherworldly. And then we went home, and made preparations for the great day...Easter sunday! New dresses, hats, polished shoes...Easter baskets full of candy hidden in our house. So,,I have a place in my heart for Holy Week. It IS holy. It IS special, because the entire week is a prelude to the glorious and wonderful miracle of Easter. Because He lives, I will live in eternity. No doubts, and no fears need I have. Jesus paid the price, and I am the unworthy recipient of His merciful gift. Happy Easter to all of you!

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